Able2Extract Professional Edition v7.0.0.12 Full + Patch 100% work!!! Activated
Able2Extract Professional Edition v7.0.0.12: อัพเดทล่าสุดครับสำหรับสุดยอดแปลงไฟล์ PDF ที่ดีที่สุด
Able2Extract description:
Viewand convert PDF data to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher.Able2Extract (A2E) enables users to view and convert data from PDF,HTML, and Text formats into formatted Excel spreadsheets and Word,HTML, and Text documents. Able2Extract is a powerful conversionapplication that will allow users to select and convert tables or textfrom one data format into another. A2E allows users to better utilizedata in certain formats such as financial information and databasereports. For example, users can select and convert financial tables andother tabular data directly into Excel rather than inputting the datamanually, i.e. PDF to Excel, PDF to Text, HTML to Excel. A2E is astandalone Windows application that does not require Adobe Acrobat.
Features List:
1. Convert PDF to Excel and retain the row/column structure of the PDF table within Excel.
2. One click of a button converts PDF files into formatted excel spreadsheets quickly and easily.
3. Convert Image (scanned) PDFs into formatted Excel spreadsheets.
4.The PDF to Excel conversion options supports a variety of differentlanguages, including English, French, Spanish and German, to name justa few.
5. The PDF to Excel conversion is done effortlessly through our easy to use user interface.
6.Converting from PDF to Excel will preserve your page layout. You canview all the PDF pages in one Excel workbook or, in the alternative,one PDF page per Excel workbook.
7. The PDF to Excel conversionfeature of Able2Extract is not a plug-in. It does not require anyAdobe® software product, such as Acrobat®, to view and convert the PDF.
8. The PDF to Excel conversion output supports most Windows and Office platforms, including - 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
9. An option in the PDF to Excel conversion lets users select whether to replicate the font of the PDF or not.
10. PDF to Excel converters can choose the custom Excel feature and designate their own columns.
11. Custom PDF to Excel conversions can be saved with the new template saving capability.
12. Our PDF viewer is included so you can see what you are converting from PDF to Excel!
13. Convert to Excel and it will save as an XLS file.
14. Get more control from the Custom PDF to Excel conversion option.
15. Convert PDF to Word and preserve the original layout of your PDF in an editable Word document.
16. Convert Image (scanned) PDFs to editable Word documents.
17.Several PDF to Word conversion options are available. Complex PDF toWord conversion - preserve the originality of converted the PDF to Wordby identifying paragraphs, text labels, graphics, tables, and flow ofcolumns etc. and then replicating it within Microsoft Word. Simple PDFto Word conversion - converts text from the PDF to Word documentwithout the graphics.
18. PDF to Word variety – convert PDF toRich Text Format (RTF) or Word, it is up to you! The PDF to RTFfeature allows users to convert large documents faster than the PDF toWord option.
19. PDF to Word Efficiency and Selectivity. Pinpointselection ability. Since you can see what you select, there is no needto transfer whole documents or even whole pages at a time. Take oneline of text if you want!
20. The PDF to Word conversion is processed at a very high speed.
21.PDF to Word conversion size options – Convert the whole document, arange of pages, one page or a portion of a page – it is your choice!
22. PDF to Word output supports most Windows and Office platforms - 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
23. Our PDF viewer is included so you can see what you pages or portions of a page you are converting from PDF to Word!
24. Choose your PDF to Word output format – Both .Doc and .RTF output formats are supported.
25. Convert PDF to PowerPoint (PPT) and improve your presentations.
26. See what you are converting. Our proprietary PDF viewer lets you view your PDFs just as you would with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
27. Retain PDF graphics in HTML.
28. Text from PDF is available in HTML.
29. Convert PDF to Image formats
30. Convert PDF to TIFF
31. Convert PDF to JPEG
32. Convert PDF to GIF
33. Convert PDF to BMP
34. Convert PDF to PNG
35. Our PDF viewer lets you view your PDF documents at different sizes by zooming in and zooming out.
36. Rotate landscaped PDFs to portrait view for easier viewing and converting
37. Convert HTML pages into Excel spreadsheets for easy data analysis.
38. Convert HTML to editable Word documents
39. HTML can be converted to Text with Able2Extract Professional
40. Convert Text documents into formatted Excel spreadsheets.
41. Convert Text documents to .doc and .rtf format
42. Text files can be transported into HTML files.
43. Simple PDF to Text (.txt) conversion comes included.
44. PDF to HTML conversion for use on web pages comes included.
45. Select your PDF using a variety of options, including: using the mouse, by selecting all on page, by selecting a page range.
46. Able2Extract Professional converts both PDF and XPS documents
47. Converts XPS to Word
48. Convert XPS to Excel
49. Convert XPS to PowerPoint
50. Convert PDF to Publisher
51. Our XPS conversion has the ability to handle and convert scanned XPS documents
52.Control over Image based and non-image based conversions. Perfect forsituations in which the PDF for conversion is a blend of image PDF andnative PDF pages.
53. Get pinpoint conversion accuracy that allowsyou to convert any portion of a page that your require. No need toconvert a whole page at a time if it is not required.
54. ConvertPDF to the DWG (drawing), the format used for storing two and threedimensional design data and metadata. Used in CAD programs.
55. PDFto DXF conversion. Autodesk DXF (drawing interchange format) is theformat adopted by Autodesk to ensure data interoperability betweenAutodesk and other formats.
56. PDF to ODT format for use in Open Office Writer (the MS Word equivalent)
57. PDF to ODS format for us in Open Office Calc (the MS Excel equivalent)
58. PDF to ODP for use in Open Office Impress (the MS PowerPoint equivalent)
59.Easy batch conversion of PDF documents into other output formats suchas Word, Excel and PowerPoint and the other available conversionformats.
60. Right click attachment PDF conversion integration in MS Outlook.
61. Support Unicode and Non-Unicode fonts
62. Convert Arabic, Cyrillic and Asian language character PDFs
63. Graphics control options during the conversion process
64. Header and footer custom control features
What’s New in Able2Extract Professional 7?:
Able2ExtractProfessional 7 is all new with our biggest overhaul yet. We’ve takenAble2Extract Professional and improved it in almost every way. Twoyears in the making, it is perhaps our biggest improvement in ourproduct to date. From our totally new interface to the new and improvedconversion outputs, here is a taste of what the new Able2ExtractProfessional can do:
* Newly Designed Interface.The improvement that all users will notice immediately on openingAble2Extract Professional is that our graphical user interface hasreceived a makeover. We have streamlined our toolbar to ensure aneasier and less confusing experience, such as simplified selectionoptions. We have added new toolbar features and PDF conversionprocesses that make viewing, selecting and converting PDF documentssimpler and more efficient.
*New and Improved Conversions.All of our major PDF conversion options have received attention and theresult is better, faster and more accurate conversions. We haveincreased custom options for power users who want granular control overtheir conversion process. Our flagship PDF to Excel conversion has aredesigned custom conversion feature which gives users of version 7 theability to not only designate vertical column structure but alsohorizontal row structure. This will ensure maximum conversion accuracyfor difficult PDF tables. For those converting from PDF to Word, wehave made output improvements post conversion and we have also addednew custom graphics and text manipulation features that will give userseven better control over their conversions into Word. Our PDF toPowerPoint conversion has been completely rebuilt. The result is afaster conversion process and much better conversion output qualitywhen converting PDF documents into the popular presentation format.Finally, Able2Extract Professional 7 has added a new PDF to Publisherconversion that allows users to convert their PDF documents intoformatted .pub files where they can be edited in the powerful. Thiswill especially valuable for users working with legacy publisherdocuments that were previously unusable in PDF.
* Performance Enhancements. Able2ExtractProfessional 7 features a number of under the hood performanceenhancements that makes it work faster and work better for more of ourusers. Off the top, we’ve cut down the download size and overall sizeof Able2Extract Professional. This is a remarkable feat given that wehave added new features. This just goes to show our developers’commitment to offering a bloatware free experience for all our valuedusers. The new version also adds support for non-unicode font types.This will be especially valuable for our Chinese, Japanese and Koreanusers which have many fonts that are non-unicode based. It will also beof benefit to our Arab and Greek users when converting their PDF filesin their native languages.
* Compatible with Windows 7 and Office 2010.It has been a big year for Microsoft, with the release of Windows 7 andOffice 2010. We have been testing Able2Extract Professional withWindows 7 and Office 2010 together and independently and we have beenrigorously testing Able2Extract with both new software programs. We arepleased to announce that our testing has produced no issues witheither.
System Requirements:
* Windows 98, ME, Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista, 7
* Microsoft Office 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
* Intel Pentium 133 MHZ processor, or equivalent
* 256 MB RAM minimum
* 40 MB of hard-disk space for program installation
* VGA 2MB of Video Memory or higher
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Able2Extract Professional Edition v7.0.0.12 Full + Patch 100% work!!! Activated | 23 MB
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